What Do Ansel Adams and I Have in Common?

​Well, it's certainly not an affinity for the piano, rugged facial hair, and the admiration of the entire photographic world. So what in the heck could it be? This 20 minute, two video series has been around the blogosphere and back over the past week,  just check out for a minute what good 'old Ansel Adams is using in this video:

(and if you have 19 more spare minutes, check out the rest of the videos too!)​

Look familiar? If by chance it doesn't, take a look at this:

​Mat Marrash with Eastman Commercial B 8x10 View Camera. Not unlike the one used by Ansel Adams.

​Mat Marrash with Eastman Commercial B 8x10 View Camera. Not unlike the one used by Ansel Adams.

Like any "Magic Bullet Chaser", oops, I mean, photographer, I find time to complain about my "crummy gear". But hey, if the clunky old Eastman Commercial B 8x10 was good enough for St. Ansel, then it's certainly good enough for me! Gear, good or bad, certainly doesn't make the photographer, but it doesn't hurt either. ;)

Now back to making images on 8x10" X-ray film, this time with a little more confidence. ​
