Packing the Pelican 1630

Over the past couple of months, I've been getting asked many questions about my new(ish) Sinar P2 setup. The most popular of these questions has been: ​

​"What are you using to haul around all of that heavy 8x10 gear?" 

​While the answer may seem a bit like overkill, I'm protecting my kit in the best way I know how, in a Pelican case! The Pelican 1630 transport case, to be specific. 

First things first, this case a monster! 0__0 It weighs in at just over 36 lbs. (that's right!), when completely full with the P2 kit, clocks in at just under 70 lbs. This nearly indestructible, sink-proof, dust-proof, flame retardant hard case measures 31" x 24" x 18". No two ways around it, this case is heavy, but will assuredly keep this pricey kit in one piece and always at the ready. And until I have a more weight-friendly setup that offers me all of the creative controls the Sinar P2 does, this Pelican 1630 is following me everywhere, the field included!  ​

So what all fits in the Pelican 1630? Here's the rundown of my wide angle kit:

  • Sinar P2 Front Standard
  • Sinar P2 Rear Standard w/ metering back + fresnel
  • 6" base monorail + 5" extension rail + end caps
  • 25" tapered Sinar 8x10 bellows
  • ​Fujinon 210mm f/5.6 lens + cable release(s)
  • Schneider Super Angulon 121mm f/8 + cable release(s)​
  • Compendium bellows shade + rod attachment
  • Eight, 8x10 film holders
  • B&W filters
  • Dark cloth
​Everything fits in on its side, padded by three separate layers of pick-n-pluck foam. 

​Everything fits in on its side, padded by three separate layers of pick-n-pluck foam. 

And per request of a fellow large format shooter, Nicolas Llasera, the above image is just how everything squeezes into the Pelican 1630. The rear and front standards were the hardest pieces to organize, I attribute this success to countless hours of Tetris during my childhood. It's a snug fit to say the least, but it travels well, and has survived the torture test thus far! 

If you have any other questions about how I do what I do, feel free to send me an email, ask on Twitter, or leave a comment below. And now if you'll excuse me, I've got a massive case to haul around the woods. ^__^