Nature photography is a term many photographers use to describe their work, but can include wildly different subject matter. "Nature" can mean wildlife, snapshots from the zoo, underwater photography, macro/micro subject matter, and more. Personally, my style of nature photography over the years can be best described as my photography professor put it. "Frickin' trees!" professor Jeff used to say, "Why are you shooting so many darn pictures of frickin' trees?!"
Read MoreIf you're anywhere near Central Ohio, do yourself a favor and make time to travel down state route 33 South. There's gems located everywhere along 33, and one I'd been missing for the past three years of visits is Rhododendron Cove.
Read MorePhotography is always at the forefront of my mind, and I wouldn't have it any other way
Read MoreLate in 2016, I had the opportunity to quickly tour this amazingly intricate preserve located in a very small slice of Hocking County. With a two of ODNR's finest guiding my brief encounter, I was floored with just how much there was to see in the 14 acres that makeup Saltpetre Cave State Nature Preserve. Upon receiving my permit to return earlier this year, I knew I had to do this location some justice. Thankfully, I had calm winds, cool air, and thick patch of fog working in my favor.
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