94th Annual Toledo Area Artists Exhibition

A local treasure, the Toledo Museum of Art. Check it out today!

A local treasure, the Toledo Museum of Art. Check it out today!

Hey all! Quick little morning update on this fabulous Friday morning.

The word has just come in, and some of my work from the Barbershops project will be featured in the upcoming 94th Annual Toledo Area Artists Exhibition at the Toledo Museum of Art! For those not native to the Northwest Ohio region, this is the largest scale juried show out there for artists living within 150miles. (Check out the prospectus here). Simply put, for visual artists of any discipline, this is a show you don't want to miss out on, as many of the best in the Midwest are included in this spectacular show.

As someone who has attended and applied for this show over the past three years, it's an honor to finally be included. If you're in the Northwest Ohio area between Feb. 1st and April 14th, check out this show, you won't be disappointed. And if you happen to be around right on Feb. 1st, come on out to the opening, starting at 5:30pm, and say hi! ^__^

That's all for now folks, off to load up some 8x10 holders with Fujichrome Provia 100F!

P.S. The new episode of the Film Photography Podcast is out, download and give it a listen.