An Update & An Announcement

Hey there folks! If this is your first time stopping by, welcome to the blog. 

This portion of the ".com" doesn't get as much love as it should, but from time to time, the things I'd really like to make sure you all see will show up here. 

For today's update, I'd like to draw your attention to the reorganization of the site layout. Galleries have been categorized and sub-categorized. The biggest change here is the separation between primarily landscape and primarily portrait works. These tend to be two very different audiences looking for work, and separating the galleries a little further was the next natural step. You'll also see the addition of a new gallery I've titled "Hocking Hills" Please check it out and let me know what you think! :D

And now for a BIG announcement. Well, more like two announcements, but let's have them like a good news/bad news scenario...

Starting with the bad news, I will not be attending my #1 favorite photo meetup in the world, Photostock. Between planning road trips to New Jersery to record the FPP and finding time to shoot, a guy's only got so much vacation time to spare. That being said, the good news is that I'll be making a different kind of trip this year. This coming August, I'll be traveling to Santa Fe, New Mexico to have a One-on-One workshop with legendary photographer, B&W printing master, and former assistant to Ansel Adams, Mr. Alan Ross!! 

Each year, Alan gives back to the photographic community in one of the most beneficial ways possible, by giving one or more photographers the chance to study under him free of charge! Travel plans are already under way, and I'm already super excited for what a B&W workshop with Mr. Ross will have to offer. 

That's it for today folks, thanks for stopping by. Stay tuned for another update very, very soon!