Shooting in B&W VS. Color: Where Do You Stand? Above and Beyond, PhotographyMat MarrashNovember 23, 2012film, discussion, audio, mat marrash, black and white, film photography, art, theory, color theory, analog photography, photography, B&W Comments
94th Annual Toledo Area Artists Exhibition fine art, PhotographyMat MarrashNovember 16, 201294th annual, nw oh, fine art, toledo museum of art, juried show, photography, northwest ohio, art museum, ohio, mat marrash, film photography, toledo ohio, TMA, exhibition, analog photographer Comment
Shadows on Zone IV One-A-Day, Photography, darkroomMat MarrashSeptember 19, 2012technique, one-a-day, large format, film photography, x-ray film, youtube, zone system, darkroom, bruce barnbaum, analog photographer, video, analog photography Comments
What Do Ansel Adams and I Have in Common? Mat MarrashAugust 27, 2012eastman kodak, large format, photography, history, view camera, photographer, 8x10, ansel adams, field camera, analog photographer, eastman commercial, analog photography, St AnselComment